Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Colors of Spring

Never mind that it's only March 16th...I'm ready for spring NOW! I know, I know, it's not far away, but I'm remembering last year's very long winter and very late last frost date. Some of the trees and shrubs are showing their spring blooms around here and it has me excited!

The ornamental plum smells divine and has been showering the front perennial bed with petals since the big wind storm we had late last week. Behind it, close to the house, the forythia is ablaze in gold little bells, looking less motley than last year with the help of some careful pruning. There are more daffodils blooming around the place, too. The header photo is of the tiny daffodils near the front walk, which I could swear didn't look so fuzzy-flowered last year. (I swear I didn't hit them with herbicide.) They are happily bobbing their little lion heads next to a tall pair of orange-trumpeted white daffodils, and out by the road, the bulbs I bought but didn't plant until January (oops!) are forming buds, too. There is even a clump of daffodils on a high spot in the pasture, looking healthier and slightly larger than last year's.

Now, if only the grass would grow strong and lush! The cattle are tired of their muddy paddocks, as am I. The chickens don't seem to mind, though, leaving behind chicken footprints in the muck as they head in from their two-hour free range time in the paddock. Their egg yolks are more brightly colored with the addition of fresh grass, weeds and bugs to their diet, a sure harbinger of spring!

Blurry blooms.

Pasture daffodils. They've multiplied!

Wishing for access to greener pastures. Patience, girls...the grass isn't ready!

1 comment:

  1. The same day you posted this, I was thinking how excited I am about Spring. The girls are too! They've been "gardening" and picking flowers in our yard.


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